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Survive your first job as a new Nurse Practitioner

with Allison, CNP 


Being a new grad NP can be stressful, challenging, and overwhelming. I'm here to help make your transition as seamless as possible. 

After struggling and stumbling through my first year as a nurse practitioner, I realized we need more support during the transition from student to practicing provider. In your MSN program, you learned the basics of diagnosing and treating, but let's face it- there is a lot of on the job training required. Unfortunately, many new NP's do not have enough help in the beginning. That's where I come in.  

Read my story

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1-on-1 mentorship 

Let me help you- whether that is answering questions about how to interpret common labs, take care of difficult patients, battle the insurance game, time management or just be a sounding board. Let's chat. Schedule a free call to learn more.

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The latest from my blog 

Abnormal screening mammogram- now what?

The Primary Care Nurse Practitioner: How to stay on schedule

So what is this program, anyways?